JOHN GRAHAM 1812-1891

Chapter 1
The Biography Outline of my Great Grandfather John Graham

It is impossible for me to write a complete biography of my Great Grandfather. As to his parents, they are unknown to us and because of this lack of insight it is impossible to tell of his origin, but we do know the date of his birth in 1812. He was born in the city or county of Dumfrieshire in Scotland.

The next light we get of his life is in 1840 when he sailed for Canada. He was married and had one son George who was 22 months old. His wife was a Gibson who already had a brother William Gibson in Canada who lived in Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario. It took six weeks to cross the Atlantic in the sailboat and the sea was stormy which delayed and slowed their progress.

His wife became sick and was forced to stay at Montreal for nearly a year upon their arrival in this country. He was in debt for his passage out to his brother-in- law William Gibson who had already become wealthy in his new chosen country. He had friends and relatives who lived in and about Ventnor and it was there that he first settled. Later his wife joined him and they moved east to Matilda along the South Branch of the Nation River. He had to cut down a number of trees in order to build a house ... eight acres a summer. Wolves, bears, wild cats, deer still roamed the forest of that day and he had to shut up his sheep, cattle, etc. every night.

He had seven children, who have left numerous descendants.

John Graham was a Presbyterian in religion, and was one of the founders of a Presbyterian Church at Dixon's Corners. Also a strong Liberal in politics. His brother in law, William Gibson, was a member for parliament in Upper Canada for a number of years.

His wife, Elizabeth Gibson died when she was about 45 years old. When he was 61 years old his log house was burned to the ground and in his attempts to save a few of the things out of the house, his eyes were affected by the smoke and he became blind till his death thirteen (13) years later.

He became well off financially and when be died be left his daughters $2000.00 (two thousand dollars) each. This left his son William hopelessly in debt. He was stubborn and he once refused to lone a buggy to his own son to go to see a doctor at Prescott and was forced to ride sick as he was on horseback.

They always took their wheat to Morrisburg to be ground into flour at his brother- in-law's mill, William Gibson.

He had a brother, William Graham, who came out to Canada about the same time. He went to Western Ontario and was last heard of when he had a son killed when he fell off a load of hay.

His son George married Lucy Locke. His daughter Mary married Thomas Riddell. His daughter Jennie married Eli Montgomery. His daughter Agnes married John Bell. His daughter Margaret married John Shara. His son William married Maggie Gallinger. His daughter Phamie died young.

He died in 1886 when he was 74 years old.

It is impossible for me to write a complete biography of my Great Grandfather. Although I can write only a brief outline of his life, I believe it is my hope that his outline may give some light on his life to be remembered.

Written by Merle Graham.