Tipperary, Ireland was the birthplace in 1798 of William Cavanagh, a son of William and Eliza Cavanagh. Two sons, William and John, and a daughter, Ann, were born to William and Rebecca (Hodgins) Cavanagh prior to their immigration to Canada where they settled on Lot 10, Con. 4, in Fitzroy Township.

John Cavanagh (1834-1922) was the fourth son of William Cavanagh (1798-1838) and Rebecca Hodgins. With his wife Sarah Styles, John settled on Lot 7, Con. 12, Pakenham township close to the Fitzroy-Pakenham boundary. Here they raised nine children - six daughters and three sons: Elizabeth (Latimer), Margaret (Anderson), Sarah (Deugo), Alice (Timmins), Laura (Grainger), Maude (Timmins), Arthur (Lawson), William (Mulligan), John J. (Briscoe). Numerous descendants of these pioneer settlers can still be located in Fitzroy and Pakenham Townships and in western Canada.

Finlay Munro and his wife, the former Christina Ross, came to Canada in the early 1850s with their grown sons William, Donald J. and Murdoch and daughters Jane and Isabel.

Working together, the Munro boys cut timber from the forests of McLaren's Landing in Fitzroy Township where the family had settled, floating the logs down the nearby Ottawa River. Donald, a very good riverman, was the one charged with making the log rafts. During an 1860 visit by the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, Donald Munro was chosen to help row the prince's boat as he travelled the Ottawa River.

That same year, only six weeks after the birth of his first child, Donald William, Donald Munro drowned when a log raft broke as the brothers were taking it down the Ottawa. Following the accident, the Munros ceased their river work and went their separate ways.

John Styles (1780-1867), born in Carlow, Ireland and his wife, Alice Willoughby (1788-1873) emigrated from Leighenbridge, Ireland in 1830. With them came a son, William (1811-1886) and his bride, Elizabeth Larrett, born in 1812 in Tipperary.

Taken from the book "Beyond our Memory ... a history of Fitzroy Township" by Fitzroy Township Historical Society.